Welcome to Connect Artz

Connect Artz offers full service marketing to arts organizations and individual arists. We also offer Music Studio studies and have an onsite Artz Boutique.

We specialize in hands-on, one-on-one service from beginning to end.

We help you define yourself, your art, and your audience! Then we'll tell the world!

We offer a variety of marketing services to artists, performers and arts organizations.

Take a moment to read our blog and then visit our website at www.connectartz.com

We would love to work with you on any project or upcoming event!

You can contact us by email at info@connectartz.com or by phone at 801-745-7299.

We look forward to working with you!

Connect Artz
Narlene Allen - Owner

Friday, April 2, 2010

Paul Draper's Helping Hospitals Heal

I'd like to share a bt of information about one of our client's newest seies of workshops.

Paul Draper's Helping Hospitals Heal: Leadership Development & Organizational Excellence Training

This is a series of fully customizable workshops that can be catered to meet the needs of any medical organization. Workshops range from 2-6 hours and provide hands on learning opportunities for managers and team members to explore aspects of communication, leadership, team building, patient care and diversity.

The workshop sessions are presented in an informative, entertaining and high energy format by a speaker, trainer, cultural anthropologist, and professional entertainer, Paul Draper, who coaches the participants through the process of identifying their inner strengths and passions and teaches methods for incorporating these in their daily leadership interactions with their teams and other leaders.

In addition to, and as part of  Paul's workshops he is also presenting his one man show "Mysteries of the Mind". 

Mysteries of the Mind is an interactive entertainment where audience members become the stars of the show!

Perfect for seminars, luncheons, universities and theaters. In Paul Draper's one-man lecture / performance "Mysteries of the Mind" he tells people things they're thinking about. He reads their minds! Paul Draper asks audience members to think of a fairy tale or song, and then immediately tells them which one they're thinking of. He has the audience work in teams, and shows them how they can read each other's minds. He ends by psychically finding and describing objects, people and places while completely blindfolded in layers of duct tape.

Sounds incredible? Phenomenal? Unbelievable? Just wait until you experience it live! 

If you are interested in having Paul Draper bring Helping Hospitals Heal or Mysteries of the Mind to your community, contact us at bookings@connectartz.com  We'd be happy to give you a personal quote!   

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